Baco Festum: a journey to the roots
Topic: History & Cultural Diversity
"Baco Festum: a journey to the roots" is a project born out of the curiosity and passion for exploring the origins of ancient traditions and practices such as viticulture and gold mining as a way of reflecting on the common values that unite us.
The main objectives of the project are:
• To create the working definition of “diversity”, “tolerance” and “intercultural communication” through multicultural dialogue
• To learn how to overcome intercultural, geographical and social barriers and to define and then overcome existing prejudices
• To discover the Roman cultural heritage and viticulture as a common imprint for all Europe
We are looking for 5 participants between 18-30 y.o. (1 team leader + 4 participants)
There is a participation fee of 20€ in this project.
Application period is over, the team is recruited.