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Be Healthy 🧘🏻

Today we will share with all of you our experience in participating in Youth Exchange “Be Healthy” that took place in Sweden, Kopparberg on 16-23 of February.

This Youth Exchange brought together participants from 3 countries, so throughout all the project a lovely house where the Awesome People organization hosted us was full of Swedish, Spanish and Estonian young people that shared their thoughts on topic of mental and physical wellbeing and just made their own experience filling it with unforgettable moments.

Our first day was full of team building games and learning about Key Competences. We also discovered all the charms of Swedish Fika and had some great sightseeing experience while doing challenges from our Goosechase. We also got in touch with Spanish culture while having Spanish cultural dinner and taking part in a Spanish cultural evening.

On the second day we had workshops on the topic of Nutrition and Hydration exploring the composition of products and combinations of what foods we eat. That was the day when we had our first escape room and had some debates about food. Speaking of eating, that was the day when an Estonian cultural evening was held and national food was cooked in the kitchen. Potatoes, poems, national dances and some facts about our hometown - all this was presented on our Estonian cultural evening.

Third day - escape rooms, Swedish national teams first presentations on the topic of physical activity and sleep, barbeque outside and bowling at the end of the day. Nice middle of the project!

Fourth day was full of national teams workshops on the topic of mental and emotional wellbeing and social connections and relationships. We learned some breathing techniques, discovered which color is associated with different inner feelings and had some activities related to connections and bonds between people. And as icing on a cake - Swedish cultural evening at the end of the day.

Fifth day was one of the most important days of the project as participants made their own workshops related to the topic of wellbeing, using the knowledge and skills that they gained during the youth exchange and presented their activities to volunteers and house guests. It was an intense and fulfilling day, everyone did a great job and can be proud of themselves and the work that was done!

And the last unavoidable day - learning journey, Yothpass ceremony and very last moments together. We learned a lot, practiced more than a lot and gained new skills and knowledge about wellbeing, Key competences and different cultures.

It was an awesome week with awesome people and the memories and skills will stay with us forever.

Text: Darja Sorgina


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